Christopher Moody
The year 1694 marked the birth of Christopher Moody in England and from 1713 to 1718 even as he never attained the rank of captain was part of the crew of Bartholomew Roberts. The region of their plunder was around the coast of North and South Carolina and gained a reputation for giving no quarter to the enemy and remained with Roberts until the fateful day both were captured in 1722 by a Royal Navy ship. Christopher Moody was a member of Howell Davis's crew aboard the sloop Buck after Davis staged a mutiny, took over the vessel, and turned to piracy in 1718. Davis sailed to the western coast of Africa where he cooperated with fellow pirates Jeremiah Cocklyn and Olivier Levasseur.
During his incarceration and trial, he was belligerent and the jury themselves felt fear of him a trait he also had shown members of the crew. After he was convicted the judgment was to offer him no quarter and was hanged along with crewmembers of Roberts.A distinct and unique Jolly Roger flag is often attributed to Christopher Moody. Instead of the traditional white on black, Moody's Jolly Roger is depicted as gold on red. It also has an hourglass with wings, to express to his victims that their time to live was flying away. In the middle is a white arm holding a dagger. Christopher Moody was never a Captain and so would not have had a flag of his own in any event.