Charles Vane

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The information of the preceding chronicles before becoming a pirate by Charles Vane as it is suggested he may have been born in England around 1680. He was part of the crew of Henry Jennings and took part in plundering the base of operations of the men trying to gather remnants from a treasure ship in Florida. He became a captain in 1717 and used Nassau as headquarters and was elevated to a chieftain in the Republic of Pirates. His reputation for being harsh was known as the ships he captured meant torture or even death for the losing crew. When word of a pardon was available Vane accepted but it was just a ruse as he had no intention of changing his ways and with others such as Edward England and Jack Rackham again resumed piracy.

It would prove to be a fatal voyage for him in 1719 while sailing in the Bay Islands a storm caused his ship to falter and he became marooned on an uncharted island. When a ship of the British empire stopped by the island when he was hiding to gather provisions with deception, he tried to pretend he was part of this group but was instead recognized by a former friend of Captain Holford and arrested. It was on March 22, 1720, in Port Royal, Jamaica that marked the final passage in the ledger of Charles Vane as he was tried, convicted, and hanged that day and his body was put on display.

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